《黑客帝国》里那块匾上的拉丁文原字是 temet nosce("thine own self thou must know")。因为是用哥特体写的,不易辨认,许多人讹成 temei nosce 或者 temel nosce 。
根据先知的解释,这意为“认识你自己”(know thyself)。但实际上,更常见的拉丁文是 Nosce te ipsum 。
Oracle: I'm going to let you in on a little
secret. Being the One is just like being in love. No one can tell you you’re in
love, you just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones.
Morpheus: We don't know who struck first, us or them. But we know that it was us that scorched the sky at the time they were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun. Throughout human history, we have been dependent on machines to survive. Fate, it seems is not without a sense of irony.
04Morpheus: There are fields, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born, we are grown. For the longest time I wouldn't believe it, and then I saw the fields with my own eyes. Watch them liquefy the dead so they could be fed intravenously to the living. And standing there, facing the pure horrifying precision, I came to realize the obviousness of the truth.
Cypher: You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.Cypher:你知道吗,我知道这块牛排并不存在。我知道当我把他放进嘴里时,母体就会告诉我的大脑,这东西鲜嫩多汁。九年后的今天,你知道我领悟了什么吗?无知,就是幸福。
Everything that has a beginning, has an end.
说第三部的大概是指先知说的:"Everything that has a beginning has an end."(万物有始有终)
第二部中,Morphous在电梯里说的是:"Know what happened happened and couldn't have happened any other way."(要知道发生的一切都只能那样发生,不可能有其他方式.)这一句是对因果律的总结,和"所有发生的事都是必然要发生的"是一个意思.翻译的问题.
先知:i know you're neo,be right with you.
neo:you're the orache?
先知:bingo,not quite what you were expecting,right?almost done.smell good,don't they?
先知:i'd ask you to sit down,but you're notgoing to anyway.and don't worryabout the vase.
neo:what vase?
先知:that vase
neo:i'm sorry.
先知:i said,don't worry about it.i'll get one of my kids to fix it.
neo:how did you know?
先知:what's really going to bake your noodle later on is would you stillhave broken it if i hadn't anything?you're cuter than i thought.i can see why she likes you.
先知:not too bright,though.you know why morpheus brought you to see me.so,what did you think .do you think you are the one?
neo:i don't know.
先知:you know what that means?it's latin.means,"i know theyself." i'll letyou in on a little secret.being the one is just like being in love.no one can tell you you're in love.you just know that,through and through.balls to bones.well,i'd better have to look at you.open your mouth.say,"ah"
neo:ah~~~(neo 真够)
先知:ok,i'msupposed to say ,"hmm,that's interesting,but then you say.
先知:but you already know what i'm going to tell you.
neo:i'm not the one.
先知:sorry,kid.you got the gift,but it looks like you're waiting for something.
先知:your nextlife,maybe.who knows?that's the way these things go.
先知:what's funny?
neo:morpheus,he almost had me convinced.
先知:i know.poor morpheus.without him,we're lost.
neo:what do you mean,"without him"?
先知:are you sure you want to hear this?morpheus believes in you,neo.and no on ,not you,not even me can convince him otherwise.he believes it so blinaly,that he'sgoing to sacrifice his life to save yours.
先知:you're going to have to make a choice.in the one hand,you'll have morpheus'life.and in another hand,you'll have your own.one of you will going to die.which one will be up to you.i'm sorry kiddo.i really am.you have good soul.and i hate giving good people bad news.dot worry about it.as soon as you step outside that door.you'll start feeling better.you'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap.you're in control your own life. remember? here,take a cookie. i promise,by the time you're done eating it.you'll feel right as rain.
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