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入殓师用英语怎么说(入殓师 英语)

hacker2年前 (2022-07-05)网站入侵57




入殓师应该是undertaker---a person who prepares dead people to be buried or cremated and prepares funerals.


纳棺(のうかん) NOUKAN 这是日语里的入殓的意思

不过真正的电影名字应该是 Okuribito

英文介绍 入殓师 这部电影

Departures (film)

Departures (おくりびと Okuribito) is a 2008 Japanese drama film by YōjirōTakita. It won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the 81st Oscars in 2009 and the Japan Academy Prize for Picture of the Year at the 32nd Japan Academy Prize.

The films concerns the historic Japanese "encoffining" ceremony (called a nōkan) in which professional morticians (纳棺者 nōkansha) ritually dress and prepare bodies before they are placed in coffins. Although the film follows contemporary themes, the practice is now rarely performed; limited mainly to rural areas where older traditions are maintained.

Daigo Kobayashi, a cellist in Tokyo, loses his job when his orchestra is disbanded. He decides to move back to his hometown, with his wife Mika. His father ran away with thewaitress when Daigo was very young, and his mother raised him by herself and died two years ago. Back home, Daigo finds an advertisement in the newspaper for "assisting departures". He goes to the interview and is hired on the spot after only one question ("Will you work hard?"). He then discovers that the job involves preparing the dead. Daigo reluctantly accepts it. But after completing a number of assignments and experiencing the gratitude of those leftbehind, Daigo begins to gain a sense of fulfillment. However, both Mika and hisold classmate Yamashita tell him to give up and get "a proper job",Daigo refuses.

A few months later, Yamashita’s mother died. In front of Yamashita, his family and Mika, Daigo prepares her body. The ritual earns the respect of all present. Not long after, there comes the news of the elder Kobayashi's death. Daigo and Mika go to see the body of his father, but Daigo finds that he cannot recognize him.As the funeral workers carelessly handle the body, he angrily stops them, and his wife explains that her husband prepares the dead for burial as a living, thereby tacitly admitting that she has come to accept his work. Daigo takes over the dressing of his father's body and finds the stone-letter he had given to his father when he was little, in his father's hands. He is at last able torecognize his father from his childhood memory.

Departures starts out unexpectedly with some bizarre humor before transitioning seamlessly into a quiet drama about family and relationships and finally a tearjerker. You can call it oldfashioned but I'd call it classical, and the themes it addresses – life, loss and personal connections – should resonate with just about everybody.

Thanks for listening.

——Mostly from Wikipedia, hope you satisfied.^_^





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2年前 (2022-07-06)

urial as a living, thereby tacitly admitting that she has come to accept his work. Daigo takes over t

2年前 (2022-07-06)

job when his orchestra is disbanded. He decides to move back to his hometown, with his wife Mika. His father ran away with thewaitr

2年前 (2022-07-05)

an call it oldfashioned but I'd call it classical, and the themes it addresses – life, loss and personal con

2年前 (2022-07-06)

older traditions are maintained.Daigo Kobayashi, a cellist in Tokyo, loses his job when his

2年前 (2022-07-06)

He is at last able torecognize his father from his childhood memory.Departures starts out unexpect


