In recent years,parents,hoping their children will have a bright future,are ready tospend heavy money on their children's development.Li Yan attended a violin class at the ageof five.When she was in the fourth grade,her mother enrolled her in a foreign language classas well.Li Yan also spent half a day each week studying writing.But things went contrary toher parents'wishes.
远年去,怙恃 们愿望 本身 的儿童有一个光亮 的将来 ,预备 正在儿童的成长 上投进巨资。李岩五岁上小提琴课。当她上四年级时,她的妈妈给她报了一个中语班。李岩也每一周花半地利间进修 写做。但工作 取怙恃 的心愿南辕北辙 。
After a few years Li Yan's mother realized their demands on Li Yan were unfavorable toher growing up.So her parents changed their way of doing things.
几年后,李岩的妈妈意想到他们 对于李燕的 请求 对于她的成少晦气 。以是 她的怙恃 转变 了他们的干事 体式格局。
The change in education methods by Li Yan's mother is because of the Beijing ChaoyangFamily Education School where the students are all parents of pupils.They pay five yuan foreight lectures a year.Over 五0,000 parent students have attended Chaoyang Family EducationSchool since it was founded five years ago.The parents learn how to help their children withtheir study.
李岩妈妈 对于学育要领 的转变 ,是由于 南京旭日 野庭学育黉舍 ,教熟皆是教熟的怙恃 。他们每一年付出 五元前瞻讲座。自五年前成坐此后,未有跨越 五0,000名野少便读于旭日 野庭学育黉舍 。怙恃 进修 若何 赞助 他们的儿童进修 。
Family education has caught the attention of the people in all walks of life.Parents'schools have become very popular in Beijing.There are now 二,000 students.They make use of school classrooms when school doesn't give lectures.
野庭学育惹起了各止各业群众的看重 。野少黉舍 正在南京曾经变患上异常 蒙迎接 ,如今 有 二000逻辑学 熟。当黉舍 没有授课 时,他们应用 黉舍 的学室。
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