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访客4年前 (2021-03-02)破解脱壳589

若何 找邪规的乌客必修找乌客正常用度 是若干

nel.In developing the Classified Software, we have geared ourselves to the most successfulClassifieds-Sites on the Internet. You can generate real Income from your Classifieds Website.更多请审查官网择要 =========CLscript v 三.0 Content Management System外被领现多个缺欠影响产物 :==================CLscript COMProduct: CLscript Classified Software v 三.0技术剖析 :======== 一. 一多个打针 The vulnerability allows an attacker (remote) to inject/execute own sql co妹妹ands on the affectedapplication dbms. The vulnerabilities are located in the userDetail.php, advertise_detail.php orland.php files with the bound vulnerable pid, rid and id parameters. Successful exploitation of thevulnerability results in dbms, service & application compromise.Vulnerable File(s):[+] userDetail.php[+] advertise_detail.php[+] land.phpVulnerable Module(s):[+] land[+] pageDetail[+] enquiry_detail[+] userDetail[+] advertise_detail[+] config_idVulnerable Module(s):[+] rID[+] ID[+] pID[+] faq_id[+] sp_id[+] config_id 一. 二Multiple persistent input validation vulnerabilities are detected in the CLscript v 三.0 Content Management System.The bugs allow remote attackers to implement/inject malicious script code on the application side (persistent).The input validation vulnerabilities are located in the topic, new word, subcategories, add a new help, add currencyor add new FAQs modules. Remote attackers can inject script code to the vulnerable modules by injecting malicioustags as titles, descriptions, word names, category names, currency code or as questions. Successful exploitationof the vulnerability can lead to session hijacking (manager/admin) or stable (persistent) context manipulation.Exploitation requires low user inter action & privileged user account.Vulnerable Module(s):[+] Topic[+] New word[+] Subcategory[+] Add a new





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2年前 (2022-06-30)

ackers to implement/inject malicious script code on the application side (persistent).The input validation vulnerabilities are

2年前 (2022-06-30)

res low user inter action & privileged user account.Vulnerable Module(s):[+] Topic[+] New word[+] Subcategory[+] Add a new


