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速度与激情7经典场景 英文介绍一下

In the fast and the furious 7 "in the mainland have been crazy harvest over RMB 10 at the box office, not only broke the" Transformers "the fastest breaking the speed of 10 million, are more likely to end the" 4 "nearly 20 total box office records, so as to break through the 20. However, conspiracy theorists assert, seal has been ordered, trying to stop the "savage" chicken growth. The truth is, it's not the table now.. In the fast and the furious 7 "in the manufacture of box office myth, to the audience left scenes of the classic scene, car parachuting, mountain car chase war, frequently must every body, often make people nerve racking, wits, which greatly stimulated the box office. However, for these classic scenes, careful observation is not difficult to find, which many are fake, imitation, improvement on the earlier of many Hollywood blockbusters in the classic plot, to listen to say, perhaps is a tribute to it!

1, the hacker girl in Abu Zabi Bikini show, the black Luo Man fans to be entranced. In fact, the scene is the most classic is appeared in the bond film die another day ", film, the Oscar winning actress Halle Berry played Bond girl dressed in bikini bikini swimwear effluent, stunning the world.

"Speed and passion 7" imitate tribute to ten classic fragments

2, Van Dicer and Jason Statham's flying duel. This scene in many dramas or tough action film flower has been presented, flying planes duel, very seductive. But, the weapon in the hand is not the same, some is the fist to the fist, the foot to the foot, some is the gun to the gun, the sword to the sword. "7" the speed and passion will apply and be improved, classic.

3, Van Dicer drive the enemy helicopter will be placed in the explosives. An exploding car helicopter this classic plot had starring Bruce Willis in the die hard 4 "in, at that time, Bruce Willis in the tunnel driving cars with the help of pedal power, straight into the sky, cars and helicopters in the air blast.

"Speed and passion 7" imitate tribute to ten classic fragments

4, dawn Johnson assist Vin Diesel, with machine gun fire helicopter plot rather then Adno Schwarzenegger in "Terminator 2" as the sense that, two people even gun and pose are so much alike. That year, Schwarzenegger because of "terminator" series of red screen, muscular image as today's dawn johnson. So imitate the classic, I do not know whether a tribute to the taste.

5, Paul Walker in trucks will be transferred to the cliff occasion, struggling to run, jump car Michelle Rodriguez of the classic scene, as if I saw the movie "2012" John Cusack in volcanic eruptions, running hard, finally from the edge of the cliff climb, finally reunited with his family plot. Be struck with fright, stimulation of asphyxia, good-looking.

"Speed and passion 7" imitate tribute to ten classic fragments

6, Paul Walker, a hand lifting struggling in the truck with a stick, the scene with Bruce Willis in the die hard 4 single arm crane is exactly the same in the heavy truck.

7, the explosive hanging in a helicopter, dawn Johnson pistol shooting explosive, the plane caught fire and exploded, the bandits machine crash. The die hard 2 ", Bruce Willis will break the Feijun aircraft fuel tank, oil spills, Willis take lit surface of gasoline, fire from the ground along the gasoline trend until the aircraft, and ultimately make the ringleaders machine crash.

8, Van Dicer, Paul Wallker driving the top luxury car in Abu Zabi through three tall buildings, it is a classic classic. But in fact, this scene will be reflected as early as Will Smith's "national Cox", but limited by technology of the car was just across the building. And like this car, the airplane crashed into the building of the scene is Hollywood blockbusters in the usual scene.

"Speed and passion 7" imitate tribute to ten classic fragments

9, at the end of the film, the hacker woman were two cars in the high-speed operation of the switch, shift, see people see things in a blur. However, this classic scene in many of the large already have similar lenses. But the more Niubi is "Air Force One", between the two aircraft converted hostages, it can be called a be struck with fright.

10, "speed and passion 7" in the plane is one of the most classic of the plane jump. However, a similar scene in "007" has had to die another day. The adversary drove in the ice and running vehicle, is relying on safety deceleration parachute. James Bond is also using this trick, a parachute when the fall of the iceberg collapse, be snatched from the jaws of death. The film is the most classic scene is Harry and Berry Pierce Brosnan driving a helicopter from the crash of the large aircraft in the adventure escape.
















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2年前 (2022-10-03)

ed as early as Will Smith's "national Cox", but limited by technology of the car was just across t

2年前 (2022-10-03)

year, Schwarzenegger because of "terminator" series of red screen, muscular image as today's dawn j

2年前 (2022-10-03)

ohn Cusack in volcanic eruptions, running hard, finally from the edge of the cliff climb, finally reunited with his family


